Dogs of Darwin

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Consultation has concluded

Dog barking

Congratulations to our Dogs of Darwin WINNERS!

Large Category: Arnie
Medium Category: Poppy
Small Category: Ted D

After a hotly contested campaign t(r)ail not seen since the likes of Hilary vs Trump, we are ‘paws’itively delighted to announce our most ‘pup’ular pooches! After being ‘hounded’ with nominations and votes, our contenders were all still in with a ‘sniff’ right down to the ‘tail’ end of the competition. However, there can only be one winner in each category and after tallying up the votes…Darwin has decided that these winners are ‘bone’afied model material! Congratulations!

Our winners receive a City of Darwin owner’s pack, free registration for the 2018-19 financial year and a professional photo shoot to star in our animal management campaigns.

Thank you to everyone who voted...and of course to the real stars of the show: all of the beautiful dogs nominated.

Congratulations to our Dogs of Darwin WINNERS!

Large Category: Arnie
Medium Category: Poppy
Small Category: Ted D

After a hotly contested campaign t(r)ail not seen since the likes of Hilary vs Trump, we are ‘paws’itively delighted to announce our most ‘pup’ular pooches! After being ‘hounded’ with nominations and votes, our contenders were all still in with a ‘sniff’ right down to the ‘tail’ end of the competition. However, there can only be one winner in each category and after tallying up the votes…Darwin has decided that these winners are ‘bone’afied model material! Congratulations!

Our winners receive a City of Darwin owner’s pack, free registration for the 2018-19 financial year and a professional photo shoot to star in our animal management campaigns.

Thank you to everyone who voted...and of course to the real stars of the show: all of the beautiful dogs nominated.